I am so pleased to announce that I have finished the first Ability Guidebook from my NEA Foundation Global Fellowship. For the past year members of the fellowship worked on curriculum projects under the direction of Harvard’s Dr Fernando Reimers. I’m pleased that just as that book tops the top Kindle curricula download list (check it out at Amazon!) I’ve finished the first Guidebook for South Africa. In July I travelled, along with NEA Foundation employees and over 40 U.S. teachers to South Africa to meet with teachers and students and to have a deep immersion into the recent Apartheid past of the country.
In the coming months I will be sharing fifteen Ability Guidebooks that I will create from this amazing trip. I am grateful to the NEA Foundation to help bring these first supports for people with autism in South Africa. I hope my fifteen books will inspire people in South Africa to create more books and that these are just the seeds being planted to create a country-wide system of supports for people with travel anxiety, for kids on field trips and for autistic people.
South Africa is the 38th country to have an Ability Guidebook. I hope I can find some people to translate into the local languages!