A Brand New Ability Guidebook For India!! Let’s go visit Ajanta Ellora Caves!

It is always fun when I get a book done for another country! I’m really pleased to announce India has another book! Anyone want to translate??!

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To The Ajanta Ellora Caves!

You can find the book here: https://www.canva.com/design/DADIgYyY7pg/5tkksawSZx5rQyR0OGoWCA/view?utm_content=DADIgYyY7pg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton

Delhi Gets It’s First Ability Guidebook! I Am Going To The Qutb Minar!

The Qutb Minar is an amazing minaret in Delhi. It towers above the Qutb Complex and people come from all over to visit. I hope this book helps someone with autism visit this important cultural destination!

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Visit Qutb Minar!

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Visit Qutb Minar!